Booth installation and dismantling time (may be changed)


Hall Pavilions Plenaries Assembly Hours* Dismantling Hours
A 13 – 15.09.2024 8:00–20:00 19 – 20.09.2024  17:00-20:00 19.09.2024
  8:00–20:00 20.09.2024
G 12 – 15.09.2024 8:00–20:00 19 – 21.09.2024 17:00-20:00 19.09.2024
8:00–20:00 21.09.2024
K 12 – 15.09.2024 8:00–20:00 19 – 21.09.2024 17:00-20:00 19.09.2024
8:00–20:00 21.09.2024
M 12 – 15.09.2024 8:00–20:00 19 – 21.09.2024 17:00-20:00 19.09.2024
8:00–20:00 21.09.2024
N 12 – 15.09.2024 8:00–20:00 19 – 21.09.2024 17:00-20:00 19.09.2024
8:00–20:00 21.09.2024
O 12 – 15.09.2024 8:00–20:00 19 – 21.09.2024 17:00-20:00 19.09.2024
8:00–20:00 21.09.2024
T 12 – 15.09.2024 8:00–20:00 19 – 21.09.2024 17:00-20:00 19.09.2024
8:00–20:00 21.09.2024
W 12 – 15.09.2024 8:00–20:00 19 – 21.09.2024 17:00-20:00 19.09.2024
8:00–20:00 21.09.2024
Z 12 – 15.09.2024 8:00–20:00 19 – 21.09.2024 17:00-20:00 19.09.2024
8:00–20:00 21.09.2024
outdoor space
L1, L2, L3, OZE, L4, L6, L7
2 – 11.09.2024
po uzgodnieniu z Organizatorem
co-ordinated with Organizer
12 – 15.09.2024
8:00–20:00 19 – 21.09.2024 17:00-20:00 19.09.2024
8:00–20:00 21.09.2024
Plener, outdoor space L5, SEL po uzgodnieniu z Organizatorem
co-ordinated with Organizer
8:00–20:00 19 – 21.09.2024 17:00-20:00 19.09.2024
8:00–20:00 21.09.2024
A, G, K, M, N, O, T, W, Z
L1, L2, L3, OZE, L6, L7, SEL
przygotowanie stoisk – dzień dla Wystawcy
day for Exhibitors

* Extension of working hours involves the payment of an additional fee of PLN 800 net per stand for each additional day beyond the aforementioned hours by the Exhibitor / Building Contractor (paragraph 5.1.2 of the Regulations).

* Exhibitor / Set-up Contractor shall pay an additional fee of EUR 200 net per booth per each day for having the grounds open outside the specified time limits and working hours (#5.1.2 Terms and Conditions)