Energetyczna siła LinkedIn

The energetic power of LinkedIn

Especially for exhibitors – exclusive, free training and consultations with LinkedIn expert Marcin Janowski during the ENERGETAB fair.
Visit an expert at the stand in Hall A – A – 70a
Register on: https://energetablinkedin.pl/

Or directly in the trade fair registration form: https://rejestracja.energetab.pl/

Come for free training! Gain knowledge and join a small group of specialists in the company account on LinkedIn!

Upcoming dates:
ENERGETAB fair, lecture room no. 20
On September 18, 2024, a 1-hour training will take place at 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

After training you will receive:
• Certificate confirming acquired skills
• Online course 2 hours recordings to refresh your knowledge
• Audit – You will receive a free audit of your current activities on your company’s LinkedIn
• Consultations 1 hour. consultations – you can ask about everything related to LinkedIn

What’s new on LinkedIn
• Where to start? –Mini strategy on when to post…
• Media Plan – Plan several categories of posts.
• Does advertising make sense – Advertising costs.
• What’s new on LinkedIn – interesting new features.

Coach – Marcin Janowski
Trainer with 9 years of experience in creating advertising campaigns and communication on LinkedIn company accounts. PR and Digital Marketing expert. Takes care of brands’ PR. Big Data and Design Thinking enthusiast.

He has been associated with the Public Relations industry for 14 years. She helps clients use social media in image-building, sales and recruitment activities.
Since 2015, he has been running advertising campaigns and content activities on LinkedIn.
He has managed LinkedIn accounts for many industries, from services to manufacturing.
Academic lecturer and speaker at industry conferences.

An enthusiast of the field of Design Thinking, which he often uses when creating communication strategies for clients. He created campaigns for companies such as: Autodesk, Cresa Poland, Newmark Poland, Nexteer, CarlexDesign.
A maniac of using #BigData in communication and public relations.

Why is it worth it?
LinkedIn is a network of one billion people around the world. IN POLAND there are already over 7 million active users. Who can you reach with advertising? Among others to people in high positions, company owners, managers, specialists in various specialized fields. LinkedIn’s extensive advertising system and paid and free options offer quite a lot of opportunities to reach potential customers and build your brand. During the training, you will learn in a practical way how to take full advantage of the possibilities of a company account on LinkedIn.
This short training is intended to show you the potential of LinkedIn and the new features that have recently appeared on the site.
Additionally, after the training, you receive 12 months of access to a constantly updated Online Course, which will remind you and systematize your knowledge. You will also receive an audit of your LinkedIn account and access to a closed group on Facebook and LinkedIn.

What do you gain? – After the training, Audit from an expert for you:
• Will analyze your company account on LinkedIn.
• Will recommend a communication strategy.
• He will give you some suggestions on what you can do on LinkedIn.
• You will learn how to use new tools for everyday publications.
• Will answer your questions.