Press accreditation

We invite media representatives to submit press accreditation for the 36th Bielsko-Biała International Energy Fair ENERGETAB 2023. Please fill out the form located at the following link: Energetab 2023

In the checkbox – Industry, please select – PRESS.

Press materials at the Information Desk in Hall A.

Rules for granting press credentials:

  1. Press accreditation is granted on the basis of:
    • correctly completed application form at
    • have a journalist card
  2. You can apply to pick up your accreditation during the fair from September 12-14, 2023 at the fair information desk (in Hall A)
  3. Accreditation will be issued upon presentation of a valid press card
  4. The organizer provides journalists with badges with the message “PRASA”

If you have any questions – please contact us Agatą Eckert, tel. +48 33 8138240, e-mail: